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Recent and upcoming presentations from the SPRINT team

Recruitment: In January 2023, Na Hu has joined SPRINT as a lab manager. Welcome Na!


Recruitment: Jiseung Kim has now joined SPRINT as a Postdoctoral Research Associate. Welcome Jiseung!


Recruitment: Riccardo Orrico has now joined SPRINT as a Postdoctoral Research Associate. Welcome Riccardo!


Recruitment: Stella Gryllia has now joined SPRINT as a Postdoctoral Research Associate. Welcome Stella!


SPRINT will organize together with the CLS Speech Production and Comprehension Group the upcoming PaPE conference, PaPE 2023, in June 2023 in Nijmegen.


Recruitment: Katherine Marcoux has now joined SPRINT as our new lab manager. Welcome Katherine!


SPRINT NEWS, October 2020: The SPRINT team is now based at Radboud University.


SPRINT NEWS, July 2020: SPRINT is in the process of moving to Radboud University where Amalia is now based.


SPRINT NEWS, June 2020: SPRINT now has its own OSF and RG pages. Check them out and follow us: OSF, RG.


Cong has won the Summer Vacation Research Prize 2020, a competition held by the University of Kent. She will receive funding for her project titled 'Where does the beat fall? Speech-beat alignment in singing'. Congratulations Cong!


SPRINT will organize Speech Prosody 2024 with the Centre for Language Studies (CLS) at Radboud University, the Institute for Language Sciences (ILS) at Utrecht University and the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL).



SPRINT gave an oral presentation titled "The phonetics and pragmatics of H* and L+H* in British English" at  TAI 2023, Singapore,18-21 November 2023.


SPRINT organized together with the CLS Speech Production and Comprehension Group the PaPE conference, PaPE 2023, in June 2023 in Nijmegen.


SPRINT organized a workshop titled GRIN (Gradience in Intonation) at Speech Prosody 2022 on May 27, 2022. This is the first of three workshops planned as part of the project. Find more information on GRIN here


SPRINT gave a talk titled "The many shapes of H*" at Speech prosody 2022 on May 26, 2022. Find the article here


SPRINT presented a poster titled "Disentangling emphasis from pragmatic contrastivity in the English H* ~ L+H* contrast" at Speech prosody 2022 on May 26, 2022. Find the article here.


SPRINT gave a talk titled "Focus and accent in English" at Dag van de Fonetiek on December 17, 2021. 


SPRINT gave a talk titled "Comparing phonetic and pragmatic classifications of English H* and L+H*" at Tone and Intonation on December 7, 2021. 


SPRINT gave a tutorial on "Intonation Transcription and Modelling in Research and Speech Technology Applications" for Interspeech 2021 on August 30, 2021. Click here for the presentation.


SPRINT gave a talk titled "H* and LH* in English and Greek" at the Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2021 on June 21, 2021.


Amalia was a co-organizer of "Forms and representations in phonology: in honour of Bob Ladd", a satellite event at Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2021. Click here for the workshop site with links to talks. See also


Amalia gave a workshop on "The phonetics and phonology of intonation", Part I (April 7, 2021) and Part II (April 14, 2021) for the Research Seminars organized by the Department of Linguistics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


Amalia gave a talk titled "On the phonetics and phonology of H* and L+H* pitch accents" in the Cambridge Linguistics Forum on March 18, 2021.


Amalia gave a talk titled "On The Phonetics and Phonology of H* and L+H* in English and Greek" in the Abralin Ao Vivo series, on February 27, 2021.


Katie presented a talk based on findings from her PhD titled "Aspects of prosody in DjambarrpuyÅ‹u"at the Institut für Linguistik, University of Cologne on 21 January 2020.


Amalia gave a talk "Variability in realization and it's role in understanding intonational phonetics and phonology" at the CLS colloquium at Radboud University on January 7, 2021. 


Amalia gave a workshop on intonation, titled "Intonation Research and the Autosegmental-Metrical Model of intonational Phonology" for PPDK2020 (Phonetics and Phonology in Denmark), 1 December 2020 You can find the slides here.


SPRINT members presented the poster "Speech data collection at a distance: Comparing the reliability of acoustic cues across homemade recordings" at the special session "Remote Testing for Auditory and Speech Research" of the 179th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America on December 10, 2020. 


Cong presented a pre-recorded video lecture titled "Where does the beat fall? Speech-beat alignment in Mandarin and English singing"(with undergraduate research intern Charlotte Slocombe) at the 179th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America on December 10, 2020.


Stella Gryllia gave a conference presentation titled "Meaning compositionality in intonation" (with Amalia Arvaniti and Mary Baltazani) at 24th ISTAL. 


Amalia gave an invited talk, titled "The phonetics and phonology of intonation in the light of cross-linguistic evidence" at the GLOW Workshop on "Prosody in Speech Signal, Perception, and Gestures" organized by Marzena Zygis and Stefanie Jannedy (ZAS Berlin)  Available at


Amalia gave a conference presentation on "Linguistic experience and rhythm perception" (with Sumio Kobayashi as first author) at Speech Prosody 2020 Available in the conference proceedings


Amalia gave a conference presentation on "The contribution of pitch accents and boundary tones to intonation meaning" (with Stella Gryllia and Mary Baltazani) at Speech Prosody 2020 Available online


Cong gave a conference presentation on "Segment duration and proportion in Mandarin singing" (with Xinrong Wang) at Speech Prosody 2020 Available online 


Amalia Arvaniti gave a talk titled "Intonational phonology in the light of crosslinguistic evidence of variability" at the General Linguistics Seminar, Oxford on February 10, 2020


Amalia in Oxford (photo credit Cong Zhang)



SPRINT is the acronym of grant ERC-ADG-835263 titled "Speech Prosody in Interaction: The form and function of intonation in human communication". SPRINT is a 5-year (2019-2024) €2,481,196 research program funded by the European Research Council (ERC). Amalia Arvaniti is the Principal Investigator. SPRINT is based at Radboud University.


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