Activities of the SPRINT project
SPRINT PI, Amalia Arvaniti, will be teaching a (post)graduate-level course on prosody at the LOT Winter school 2025. For information on the course visit the course's SPRINT page.
SPRINT PI, Amalia Arvaniti, is a co-chair of Speech Prosody 2024; the conference will take place in Leiden in July 2024. Stella Gryllia, Na Hu, Jiseung Kim and Riccardo Orrico are among the conference's technical programme chairs.
The SPRINT team are also organizing a workshop titled CROSSIN (Intonation at the crossroads) as a Speech Prosody 2024 satellite event.
On 4th July 2023, SPRINT PI, Amalia Arvaniti, gave her inaugural professiorial lecture, titled "My cookbook for intonation", at Radboud University.
SPRINT organized together with the CLS Speech Production and Comprehension Group Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE 2023), 2-4 June 2023 in Nijmegen. For details see
SPRINT organized a workshop titled GRIN (Gradience in Intonation) at Speech Prosody 2022. This is the first of three workshops planned as part of the project. Find more information on GRIN here.
SPRINT gave a tutorial on "Intonation Transcription and Modelling in Research and Speech Technology Applications" at Interspeech 2021. Click here for the presentation.